Sunday, July 17, 2011

On the report of Miss Jonelyn Madarang I learned about the Sequence of Information Processing by Slavin. According to Slavin learning and information processing follows a certain pattern or sequence, first is sensory register or the receiving of big amount of information from the senses and holds for a very short time for initial processing for transfer to the short term memory. If nothing happens it is forgotten. Second is the short term or working memory it is responsible for holding limited amount of information for transfer to the long term memory. Last is the long term memory this is responsible for keeping information for a long period of time. I also learned about the basic concepts in cognitive theories of learning which are perception, storage, encoding, rehearsal, retrieval, dual, episodic memory, semantic memory and, procedural memory
 According to Klausmeir, learning occurs when the individual develops higher level skills that build successively on lower skills this is called the cumulative learning theory. And according to this theory there are types of learning according to the levels or capabilities these are the signal learning, Stimulus-Response learning, motor chain/ Verbal Chain learning, discriminating learning, concept learning, rule learning and, Problem solving.
Ausubel postulated the meaningful learning theory which states that an individual learns by relating newly acquired information to what learner already knows. There are 7 characteristics and concepts which are:
1.       Meaningful Learning
2.       Relevant Prior Knowledge
3.       Organization
4.       Elaboration
5.       Visual Imagery
6.       Advanced Organizers
7.       Cognitive Structure
There also other related views of learning these are:
1.       Meta Cognitive Views of learning
2.       Constructive Theories of Learning
3.       Reception and discovery